3D modeling | Trouble Arises

While following Jon’s tutorial on vimeo I encountered a big issue.

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Importing a screw mesh into my workstation went very wrong when I found myself unable to do anything; the speed of the processing having dropped drastically.


















Everytime I tried to move the screw model my entire macbook froze.This I discovered was due to the mesh size being massive, as you can see in the above picture the entire object looks highlighted yellow because there are so many faces and vertices in this object. It wouldn’t be feasible to try and continue to 3D model with this screw, workspeed would be dramatically slowed and it would be nearly impossible to line my objects up correctly. Also the next step in the tutorial was to create an array using the screw mesh, meaning my Mac would have to compute this screw mesh dozens of time.

The solution to this problem was to try and make a simple substitute for the screw mesh. In this instance only the top of the screw would have been visible, so only a hexagonal shape was really needed. This could easily be created by using the cylinder mesh creator. Shown below.

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This was an important lesson to learn for 3D modeling. It is a modeler’s job to try and make the mesh of their models as simple as possible while still maintaining the visual interest. If a mesh gets too complex then it becomes harder to texture paint and will slow down the processing speed for both rendering and while actively creating the modeling, as seen by me.

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