Blender and Tutorial Frustrations

I have been following a tutorial on how to create a barrel scene in Blender and then texture paint it in Substance Painter. This tutorial can be found here:

I found this tutorial not very helpful at all for my level of understanding of Blender. The guy giving the tutorial went far too fast for me to understand what he was saying and follow his directions. At the moment I am only about 7 minutes into the tutorial and have had to pause and replay certain sections upwards of 3 times to understand what he did and copy him. However, some things I copied while having no idea what their function was, this lead to stress as I scoured the Blender menus trying to copy quick button presses and buried options that I had never used before. Ticking options just because they were ticked in the tutorial but not knowing what they did. I feel that this isn’t helping me learn how to use the software as I feel a bit like a monkey trying to copy steps while having no idea why.

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After about an hour and a half I completed creating the barrel and the room, something which took up less that 10 minutes of tutorial time. However, I once again encountered difficulties while trying to unwrap my model. The barrel went well, though my unwrapped UV did not look identical to his, it was close enough. However the real issues come when trying to unwrap the room. At first the floor of the room wouldn’t even unwrap, the unwrap option being greyed out.


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After taking a break and coming back I was finally able to make the button work, I am still not sure what I did wrong the first time or what I did right this time. However my UV looked very different from the tutorials.


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The floor had been aligned completely differently. Because I have no understanding of how this software works, I dont know if this will matter in the long run of texturing. I tried again, undoing what I had done and following the youtube tutorial, this time even slowing the video down incase I had missed anything. But still my UV unwrap looked different.

I am not feeling optimistic about the rest of the tutorial, knowing that I spent half a day trying to get this to work and only got 7 minutes into the tutorial. For now I am going to save and take a break and come back to this tomorrow.

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